Tuesday, September 10, 2024

911 Remember 25 years Later. Advance Technology Used to Destroy WTC.


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Dr. Judy Wood point by point analysis of what happened to The World Trade Center Towers. 
The mystery of what happened to World Trade Center towers has been solved. Dr.Judy Wood gives a detail account of what happened on 911 to the steel and concrete that was the World Trade Center.  
If you are among those who have called for a new, open, and independent investigation, today’s your lucky day! This is not only “The New Investigation,” it is the only comprehensive-forensic investigation to date in the public domain. As of this publication only one person —myself, Dr. Judy Wood— has conducted a comprehensive investigation to determine what happened to the World Trade Center (WTC) complex. This was part of the federal qui tam (whistleblower) case I filed (2007) in which I accused the defendants of science fraud.

This book is a summary of the physical evidence submitted in my federal qui tam case accusing the defendants of science fraud. NIST was mandated by congress to “Determine why and how WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed…” yet NIST admitted to me that they did not analyze the “collapse.” The contractors they hired with taxpayer money knowingly allowed the fraudulent report to become final.
Sadly, this case had no support from the “Truth movement,” leaving the judges free to ignore the law in order to dismiss the case (which they acknowledged they did) so they could sweep it under the carpet. Had this case been allowed to move forward, the defendants (whose expertise is energy weapons) would have been put under oath (equivalent to subpoena power).http://wheredidthetowersgo.com/

If you listen to the evidence carefully enough, it will speak to you and tell you exactly what happened.
If you don’t know what happened, keep listening to the evidence until you do.
The evidence always tells the truth.
The key is not to allow yourself to be distracted away from seeing what the evidence is telling you.


9/11 Memorial & Museum — New York, N.Y.
New One World Trade Center



Remembering 9/11 in Pictures on the 20th Anniversary click for pics



National September 11 Memorial & Museum: Homepage

9/11, 20 Years Later: 17 Essential 

8 days ago — 9/11, 20 Years Later: 17 Essential Documentaries to Watch · The Man Who Knew (2002) · In Search of Al Qaeda (2002) · Truth, War & Consequences

911 Anniversary Ceremony New York, Sep 11 2017 | Video | C-SPAN ...

Sep 11, 2017 - New York holds a ceremony to mark the 16th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
“9/11” Documentary Updated as CNN Plans Digital ArchiveDocumentary filmmakers continue to update "9/11" as the 15th anniversary of the tragedy ...
As we approach the 15th anniversary that marks the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil in history, The Journal News/lohud launch a series of continue reading  
 why, then, was this cover-up video, as linked here, perpetrated?

It is ironic that the worst event that has occur in the last 50 years is almost forgotten by main stream media. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld,Efraim Halevy,Ariel Sharon, Larry Silverstein, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the other Conspirators want the world to forget about 9-11 and the big hoax perpetrated upon the people of the world as a pretext for war with Iraq and ushering in the Patriot Act. The people of the World are not fool. 9-11 did occur and and we the people will not forget the ruthless attack on the people of New York City on September 11, 2001. Why did 3000 Jews and Israel citizens decide to not show up for work at the WTC that day? All nations lost citizens that day except Israel. This is the conspiracy of all conspiracy.


Aug 24, 2021 — Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, ... had lived in the United States for more than a year and had taken flying ...

Everything About the Rothschild Zionism | Humans...

Rothschild Zionism. I add the 'Rothschild' to ... Rothschild Zionism and the horrors of Israel means you ... with the Rockefeller (Rothschild) ..

9/11 anniversary: We remember, 20 years later - The Journal News

The Journal News

9/11: The Shocking Truth Laid Bare – Darkmoon

 Conspiracy theorists believe this video is proof the 
Twin Towers were brought down by a controlled explosion 
on 9/11


New York City Fire Department. THE UNOFFICIAL HOME PAGE OF FDNY. A NEVER ENDING STORY : All 343 911wtc Killed at the World Trade Center September 11, 2001

Remembering 9/11: Widow of NYC firefighter shares

If you are a victim of dupenosis, check out the following videos.
After watching the videos and researching the information don't cure your dupenosis, than you are suffering from dumbnosis.
  1. NO PLANES ON 911 EXPOSED by FOX NEWS Expert...

    May 06, 2008 • About This Video: No Planes Hit WTC Twin Towers. Media, Government, and American and Foreign Investors Biggest Secret ...


  2. 10 Reasons those 911 Planes were Fake . Planes are made of light materials like aluminum and fiberglass. Think of them as long beer cans. Even birds can give planes ...

  • Believe Your Own Eyes - 9/11 - No " Planes" Were...

    Aug 06, 2012 • A big thanks to "sv3rige", the creator of this video, for an amazing & very eye opening documentary COMMENTS WILL .

  • 9-11 Israeli Mossad Agents Admit 911 Mission

    www.erichufschmid.net/TFC/Bollyn-dancing-Israelis.html - Cached - Similar
    Jun 28, 2002 ... See our summary of reasons why 9/11 was a Zionist job: ... The Israeli agents were first seen filming the attack on the WTC while kneeling on

    Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 911

    rense.com/general64/moss.htm - Cached
    The fact that only one Israeli died at the WTC, while 4,000 Israelis were thought to have been at the scene of the attacks on 9/11 naturally led to a widespread ...  
    Israel Did 911- All the Proof in the World Israel Did 911Video Question that the 911 commision couldn't answer. If two planes hit two Towers, Why did Tower Seven fall?

    The Dancing Israeli TV Crew Arrested on 911

    BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hijack 'suspects' alive and well

    Sep 23, 2001 - Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and wel

    9/11 Suicide Hijackers Alive and Well! - YouTube





    3000 died at the World Trade Center but American Military Casualties in Iraq as result of 911- 4488, US Military Deaths in Afghanistan 2114.

    In Iraq over 115,000 civilian deaths as a result of the 911 conflict.

    Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Invasion of Iraq ...

    Apr 30, 2010 – Top 25 of 2012 • Top 25 of 2011 • Top 25 of 2010 • Top 25 of 2009 • Top 25 of 2008 ... Title: “Iraq death toll rivals Rwanda genocide, Cambodian killing fields” .... recognition, a scientific investigation of deaths caused by the war in Iraq. .... On 9/11 And The Invasions Of Iraq & Afghanistan

    Did the U.S. Overreact to the 9/11 Attacks? | Cross-Check, Scientific ...

    By John Horgan | September 10, 2012 | Comments 11 .... The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have resulted in the deaths of more than 6,500 Americans so

    1 / 38

    911 TRUTH 


    families: War's other casualties - CBS News

    Reprint from When I pause to remember 9.11.01, my memories seem to drift from one scenario to another, from one atrocity to the next. Most of all, when I remember 9/11, my mind reels from the vast numbers of inexplicable coincidences which seem to revolve around this national tragedy. I remember that over 200 people jumped to their deaths from The Twin Towers, no longer able to withstand the suffocating smoke and searing flames. I remember their heart-breaking, terrifying leaps into the empty nothingness of space — just to be free, to exist for a mere 10 seconds more, before suffering instant death on the concrete sidewalks of the World Trade Center below. I remember the thousands of fire fighters and rescue workers who died slow, lingering deaths, as many still do ’till this day, because our Environmental Protection Agency had falsely assured them that the air at Ground Zero was safe to breathe, despite the fact that all the workers from the EPA always wore full HazMat suits at Ground Zero. I remember how the top of the South Tower was COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED from the lower portion of that building and was falling from it, yet we were told by the toads of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) that the tops of the World Trade Centers acted like “pile drivers” to collapse the structures beneath them– even tho the structures beneath them were completely undamaged, and the structures above them weighed nearly the exact same amount as they did before the plane strikes. And whereas real ‘pile drivers’ must be raised far into the air and then dropped for any ‘pile driving’ effect to actually take place, it is my recollection of that day that neither top of either World Trade Center was lifted and then dropped onto the building below it. However, I do remember that the designers of the World Trade Centers had stated that they had designed both World Trade Centers to survive multiple strikes from fully fueled 4 engine transatlantic airliners, and that somehow, all 47 of the steel core columns of both buildings disappeared even tho neither plane struck either central core of either tower. I will also remember that jet fuel, with perfect vaporization, can reach approx. 1600 degrees Farenheit, while structural steel melts at approximately 2700 degree Farenheit. I also remember that the majority of the fuel from both planes burned outside of the buildings. I remember that a fire broke out in one of the towers at the World Trade Center in 1993 and burned for over 6 hours without causing ANY structural damage to that building, just as I will remember that nowhere else on the planet has any steel framed high rise building ever collapsed from fire, even from fires that burned for 18 hours straight. I definitely remember that the World Trade Center towers were the first — and only — steel framed buildings to completely collapse due to fire at any time, anywhere in the world, altho both of these fires lasted less than two hours. I do remember wondering how it was that 90,000 tons of hardened steel and re-enforced concrete could essentially be vaporized into a powder finer than talc, and spread throughout lower Manhattan; I wondered how unburned particles of military grade nano-thermite could be found in the residue throughout the World Trade Center, and dismissed because the samples had not come from “official government sources.” I wondered about the psychic ability of the person who had arranged for the sale of scrap metal from the World Trade Center collapse to be sold and shipped to China, months in advance of the attack on the World Trade Center; just as I wondered how “Lucky” Larry Silverstein, who owned The World Trade Center and who ritually enjoyed breakfast every morning at the “Windows on the World Restaurant” on the top floor of The World Trade Center, had somehow decided not to do so on the morning of September 11th. I will remember that only a day after the World Trade Center Towers #1 and #2 collapsed, investigators discovered glowing hot spots of radioactivity under both piles of rubble; and that rivers of molten steel were observed running under both World Trade Centers as late as December 21st, over three months after their collapse; what sort of otherworldly jet fuel could do that?… I remember wondering. I even remember that nearly all the gold and silver bars stored in the basements of the World Trade Center towers were removed the previous day, but that one truck was found stuck under the debris pile. Somehow, the custodians of all that gold and silver (nearly 100 tons of precious metals) had apparently moved it out on a hunch or a whim the day before 9/11, because, of course, no one other than the alleged hijackers and Osama bin Laden had advance knowledge of this event. I will remember the denials of our government that the black boxes from the planes which struck The World Trade Center towers were not found at Ground Zero, when three of the four boxes actually were found at Ground Zero by firefighters Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, who publicly stated in 2004 that they had found them. I remember reading that Bellone and De Masi said that Federal agents told the two men not to mention having found them, and all the black boxes were immediately confiscated by the FBI. I remember that approximately one month before 9/11, both towers were shut down for an entire weekend, electrical power to both towers completely cut, and bomb sniffing dogs removed from both buildings, while anonymous “workers” in gray suits, hauling huge cables on their arms, moved in and out of both towers, doing “repairs” of an unknown nature, resulting in people returning to their offices the following Monday at The World Trade Center to find a 1/2 inch layer of dust covering everything. I will remember that two seismographs in New York (separately) recorded deep, underground disturbances approximately 15 seconds before either plane struck either tower, which could indicate cutting charges severing both buildings from their foundations by explosives — or perhaps New York City coincidentally suffered two significant earthquakes precisely 15 seconds before either plane struck either tower. You do believe in coincidence, don’t you?continue reading

    Founded in 2006, Pilots For 9/11 Truth is a growing organization of aviation professionals researching and analyzing the events of September 11, 2001
    Scholars for 9/11 Truth: The 9/11 scholars group has two major websites. Visit either of both of these to learn the truth about 9/11.

    911 Conspiracy Truth - Don’t Be Fooled. Consider The Legal Issues Not The Gossip. 9/11Truth: WTC Towers 1, 2, Attack & Building 7, Pentagon Strike, False Flag ...

    Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice. Welcome! We are a group of scholars and supporters endeavoring to address the unanswered questions of the September 11, 2001 attack ...

    As officers in the U.S. military, we took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
    911 Truth Seekers: Seeking truth about events of September ... shareTopBlogDir.blogspot.com button<meta name="google-site-verification" content="rNNvLgjrT4thLkhw6-H69FEhLsy7o1ETbwJkqrdBU9o" /><meta name="google-site-verification" content="rNNvLgjrT4thLkhw6-H69FEhLsy7o1ETbwJkqrdBU9o" />analysis anniversary attack believe building cached case caused center chandler city collapse columns com completely concrete conspiracy core corrosion david deaths defendants destruction documentary dr dust either engineers event evidence explosive fact fema fire found fuel ground happened hijackers hours https investigation iraq israel israeli jones kevin later lower memorial military named national nearly news nist north occur office org people pile planes point power proof remained remember report result rothschild ryan scholars science severe source speak states steel steven struck structures top towers trade truth twin vaporized video war watch wondered world wtc www years york youtube zero zionism