Sunday, January 24, 2010

666 Illuminati pt2 by Roy Allen Anderson - Is Freemasonry Witchcraft?


Illuminati - 1b

Link to the index of the

1. The modern term for witchcraft taught in Colleges today.
2. The origin of the "Great Rite" among modern day witches.
3. What is Phallicism?
4. The Jewish Star of David is not originally from Judaism, but
Babylonian Witchcraft.
5. The Pentagram and Pentagon.
6. Sacred Numbers and Letters in Witchcraft That Deceive Today.
7. The Origin of the Number 666.
8. Names for the Devil and Sun-gods that add up to 666.
9. The Origin of the Name Phoenix (Fenex), an Ancient Name
for Lucifer.

Little do young Rock and Rollers know they are deceived by an unseen host of agents of the Devil. The Bible warns it will be demons, using people as their instruments, that will lead others into rejecting the True Christ. "For they are the spirits of DEVILS, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." Revelation 16:14.
There is absolutely nothing romantic about Satan. He will give some power to work miracles, but this is his way of deceiving. Just as God uses man to lead others to Him, so does Satan. However, unlike God, once Satan has used a person for his own purposes, Satan will cast away all whom he has used to deceive others, like a man casts away his trash into the trash can. So to help a Bible student avoid falling into any of Satan's traps, one can learn from the Scriptures and from those whom Satan has already used, how not to become another one of his victims.
To start, we need to study again the first deception at the Garden of Eden. As we stated before, the Devil uses camouflages to keep his worship hidden. The Sun and Nimrod were only a front used by Lucifer to get multitudes to bow before him. However, the first camouflage he used to deceive Adam and Eve was the serpent. The very thing Satan used to deceive Adam and Eve became eventually one of the most sacred symbols of Sun worship! Instead of the serpent as being a symbol of Satan and deception, as the Bible instructs, the serpent became a symbol of the "Great Benefactor and Healer" of mankind. The serpent was worshipped as the "God of Healing" and "Life-Restorer." "YE SHALL NOT SURELY DIE," Genesis 3:3, was Lucifer's first lie to our first parents. The serpent, the god of healing, was generally represented in the pagan arts entwined on a stick, staff or a stock of a tree [1]. Here we find the origin of the strange symbol that the American Medical Association (AMA) uses today. This medical insignia was originally the symbol of the Egyptian god Hermes, who we will see in a moment was Nimrod's father, Cush. And it's here we find the origin of the word hermetic. This ancient word found in classical literature actually derived from the ancient Egyptian god of medicine. This name is actually Chaldean and the Greeks and Egyptians adopted this god from the Babylonians. The very word hermetic means the hidden knowledge of magic, occult sciences, etc [2]. Not only was the serpent worshipped by the ignorant pagans as "The Great Benefactor" for mankind, the serpent ironically enough was worshipped also as "The Great Enlightener." What did Satan say to Adam and Eve besides, "Ye shall not surely die?" In Genesis 3:5 we read: "FOR GOD DOTH KNOW THAT IN THE DAY YE EAT THEREOF THEN YOUR EYES SHALL BE OPENED, AND YE SHALL BE AS GODS, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL."
In The Two Babylons, by Hislop, p. 227, we read the following:
"Along with the sun, as the great fire-god, and, in due time, identified with him, was the serpent worshipped. In the mythology of the primitive world, says Owen, 'the serpent is universally the symbol of the sun. In Egypt, one of the commonest symbols of the sun, or sun god, is a disc with a serpent around it. The original reason of that identification seems just to have been that, as the sun was the great enlightener of the physical world, so the serpent was held to have been the great enlightener of the spiritual, by giving mankind the 'Knowledge of Good and Evil.' ' " The ancient Mayans of the Yucatan in Mexico worshipped the serpent god under the name of Can. Can means "serpent" in the Mayan language, as Can or A-Can was the ancient Sumerian and ancient Scottish word for serpent. Here we find the origin of our word canny, shrewd or serpent-like. The Babylonians worshipped Can the serpent and Vul, the god of fire. The Romans simply combined the two words into 'Vulcan," the Roman god of fire from when also comes our word "volcano" [3]. This seems to be how the Mayans and Mexicans named their gods. They too combined two words to describe their serpent god. "Kulkul" means "beautiful bird," and "Can," serpent. Hence, "Kulkulcan," which means "Bird Serpent" in the Mayan language. This is the exact same meaning for Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican pagan messiah in central Mexico [4].
Interestingly enough, the cosmic symbol for Quetzalcoatl was a feathered serpent! Here is another interesting observation. The origin of the word "Vatican" also derived from two words. The Latin word "vatic" or "vatis" means "prophet or soothsayer" [5]. The combined word, "Vatican," appears to mean "divination by the serpent"! The symbol for Astrology is often shown in pagan arts as a serpent in a circular position with his tail in his mouth. This represented eternal life.
There is the strong evidence from Scripture that the serpent originally had wings and flew, instead of having legs as the evolutionists say. The Scriptures reveal it was a curse for the serpent to travel on his belly as he does now. "And the Lord God said unto the serpent, because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field: upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life." Genesis 3:14.
Hence, that feathered serpent that has been displayed in pagan arts and worshipped as the god of healing, is none other but "that Old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world." Revelation 12:9.
While Satan changed the image of the serpent into something to be adored and worshipped, the goat, from antiquity, symbolized the Devil. The goat, known for its agility, stubborn character and having its own way, is what Astrologers say people are who are born under the sign of Capricorn, the He-Goat. Witches in the Middle Ages were widely reputed to worship the Devil in the form of a goat [6]. During the Middle Ages there was a widespread witch panic that produced witch hunts and witch trials. Witches were often charged with poisonings and other injuries as well as murder. The charge of murder might have been derived from making a wax image of a hated person and consuming it over a slow fire or sticking it with pins. African witchdoctors, Haitian experts in Voo-Doo, and American Indian medicine men indulged in this Satanic Black Art. The Middle Ages witch trials record how multitudes of witches confessed, under torture, that they held local meetings called covens to adore their master, make plans to execute the diabolic will, and partake in bestial rites. In southern Europe the site where the witches met was called a synagogue; in Germany it was called a blocksberg [7]. These meetings usually took place at midnight. It was brought out during the trials that witches claimed they came to their meetings by being carried by the Devil: others were able to fly by anointing themselves with oils from the bodies of murdered infants; still others rode broomsticks, or a cow or a goat. At the rendezvous Satan appeared as a black animal, often a goat, or as a man with cloven feet [8]. There are many different sects in modern witchcraft today; however, modern day witches do not believe that the Devil exists. They are not Satanist old women with long black hair and a wart on their nose. A Christian will be shocked to know that ancient Witchcraft has been revived and modernized among the young people today. And, it is the religion of some of those who control the wealth of the world! Their covens (churches) are today Federally recognized tax exempt churches, and enjoy the same rights under the protection of the law as do the Christians. And, believe it or not, there are millions of both male and female witches here in the United States alone. Witchcraft is the biggest rival religion of Christianity in England and America [9].
It is interesting enough, however, that these modern witches exalt the horn gods and the pagan goddesses such as the Egyptian pagan trinity Osiris, Isis, Horus, which originated in the worship of Nimrod (the Sun), his wife Semiramis (the moon), and Tammuz (the Morning Star).
Like their pagan brethren, modern day witches are ignorant to the fact that these gods do not exist. Even though they claim the Devil does not exist, they too are in reality bowing their knee before him. They exalt the gods Satan hid behind to deceive the ancient nations. Pan or Bacchus is another god the witches exalt and worship. It depends on what coven they belong to. Anyway, how was this ancient pagan god displayed in pagan art? He had a man's head with horns and cloven feet!

The god Pan, symbol of the Universe and the Sun,
He was Bacchus to the Phoenicians

Is Freemasonry Witchcraft? Angels and Demons - Illuminati


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