Israel says Gaza war 'necessary'
The UN Human Rights Council is yet to issue its report on the warAn Israeli government report has said that the Israeli military campaign in Gaza earlier this year was "necessary and proportionate".
The war and its conduct have been widely criticised, with Israel and Hamas accused of war crimes.
Palestinian sources say about 1,400 Gazans died in the conflict. Thirteen Israeli died.
The report said 100 inquiries had been launched into the conduct of soldiers and 14 criminal investigations opened.
According to the United Nations, the Israeli military campaign left more than 50,000 homes, 800 industrial properties and 200 schools damaged or destroyed, as well as 39 mosques and two churches.
The UN Human Rights Council has appointed former South African judge Richard Goldstone to investigate whether war crimes were committed during the conflict.
Israel has declined to co-operate, accusing the UN Human Rights Council of bias against it.
DIFFERENT DEATH TOLLSPalestinians killed during Israeli military offensive in Gaza, 27 Dec to 18 Jan - Palestinian claims followed by Israelis claims:Total dead: 1,434 / 1,166Fighters: 235 / 710-870Non-combatants: 906 / 295-460Women: 121 / 49Children under 16: 288 / 89Sources: Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and Israeli Defence Intelligence Research Dept
Allegations persist against the Israeli military about killings of unarmed civilians, the use of civilians as human shields and indiscriminate destruction of property.
Israeli officials insist troops went to great lengths to protect civilians, that Hamas endangered non-combatants by firing from civilian areas and that homes and buildings were destroyed only when there was a specific military need to do so.
The conflict lasted for 22 days, ending on 18 January.
'Incessant' rockets
"Israel had both a right and an obligation to take military action against Hamas in Gaza to stop Hamas' almost incessant rocket and mortar attacks," the report, issued on Thursday, said.
It says 12,000 rockets and mortars were fired at Israel between 2000 and 2008 - nearly 3,000 in 2008 alone.
The report explains that damage caused to UN facilities by Israeli strikes should be blamed on Hamas, which Israel says set up rocket launchers nearby.
Allegations that dozens of Palestinian civilians were killed or wounded by white phosphorus shells are dismissed.
The report detailed steps aimed at limiting civilian casualties. It says 2.5 million leaflets were dropped and 165,000 phone calls made warning civilians to leave areas that would be targeted.
It also says that humanitarian aid was allowed into Gaza throughout the conflict.
Palestinians have said it was not safe to leave their homes to try to escape fighting and shelling, that they were unable to access the humanitarian aid.
- 01 – Who are the Jews who occupy Israel? The Thirteenth Tribe
- 01- United States Roll in the Creation of AIDS – Genocide Plan
- 010 – Illuminati Datase
- 0101 – Aids, Depopulation, Genocide, Ultimate Racism, Rothschild
- 0101 – Extra Extra read all about it – Proof that work is in progress in building Jerusalem Temple
Gates: "When He's Not Arresting You, Sergeant Crowley Is A Really Likable Guy"
WASHINGTON — With mugs of beer and calming words, President Barack Obama and the professor and policeman engulfed in a national uproar over race pledged Thursday to move on and try to pull the country with them.
There was no acrimony – nor apology – from any of the three: black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., white Cambridge, Mass., police Sgt. James Crowley, who had arrested him for disorderly conduct, and Obama, who declared on national TV that the police had "acted stupidly." But neither Gates nor Crowley backtracked either, agreeing they still had differences.
Said Obama after the highly anticipated, 40-minute chat on the Rose Garden patio: "I have always believed that what brings us together is stronger than what pulls us apart."
"I am confident that has happened here tonight, and I am hopeful that all of us are able to draw this positive lesson from this episode," said the nation's first black president.
Under the canopy of a magnolia tree in the early evening, Obama joined the other players in a story that had knocked the White House off stride. Vice President Joe Biden joined them for drinks and snacks.
The policeman and the professor both expressed respect for each other after their dispute that unleashed a furor over racial profiling in America.
It all began two weeks ago when Crowley was called to investigate a potential burglary at Gates' house and ended up arresting the protesting professor for disorderly conduct. The matter mushroomed when Obama made his comment in a prime-time news conference. The president later expressed regret. In Cambridge, the charge was dropped.
"We agreed to move forward," Crowley said Thursday night when asked if anything was solved in the meeting. "I think what you had today was two gentlemen agreeing to disagree on a particular issue. I don't think that we spent too much time dwelling on the past. We spent a lot of time discussing the future."
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Obama vs. Netanyahu : The Big Showdown
The Big Showdown - Obama vs. Netanyahu
The Congress of the United States is under great pressure. There is going to be a showdown between Netanyahu and Obama. Member’s congress will have to decide who they will support. There is no way that Obama’s Middle East initiative will become a reality without congress. Most of the GOP will want Obama to fail so they will throw their support behind Netanyahu, but on the other hand, the Democrats will have to decide weather to support their leader and President or to support the Jewish lobbyist who have been bank rolling their campaign for many years. If they support the Jewish lobbyist, than the people might turn against them at the ballot box esp. if the go against a popular president. If I was a betting man, I would put my money on the Democrats going against Obama and going for the money since they have already proven their greediness and lack of integrity. Maybe the democrats will care for the security of this country and seek a Middle East Peace plan and support their President. Many Democrates want Obama's popularity to tank so they can abandon Obama and sell their support to Netanyahu and the Jewish lobbyist.
Christian Zionist parley: John Hagee – Don’t pressure Israel – They are God’s Chosen People -
Pastor John Hagee, with U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) standing behind him, at the Christians United for Israel conference in Washington on July 21, 2009 rapped the Obama administration for “putting pressure on the wrong people,” referring to Israel. CHRISTIANS UNITED FOR ISRAEL |
WASHINGTON – While criticism of President Obama’s demand for an Israeli settlement freeze has been relatively muted among U.S. Jewish organizations, this week’s Christians United for Israel conference here provided the opportunity for some prominent Jews and Christians to level some public complaints.
Far and away the most forceful came from U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.), one of the more hard-line Democrats in Congress. Berkley told the group of Christian Zionists on Tuesday that “to pin the peace process” on the settlement issue “is absolutely foolhardy.”
“To publicly dress down the State of Israel is a huge mistake,” she said to a huge ovation from the 4,000 delegates at the group’s fourth annual conference.
CUFI founder and chairman Pastor John Hagee also weighed in when he introduced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who appeared via satellite Tuesday to speak to the crowd. Hagee told Netanyahu that “50 million Christians” support “Israel’s sovereign right to grow and develop the settlements of Israel as you see fit and not yield to the pressure of the United States government.” (The prime minister did not address the settlement dispute.)
A few hours after Netanyahu’s speech, Hagee reiterated his criticism of the Obama administration, although he refrained from identifying the president by name.
“America is singling out Israel” in the Middle East, the pastor said. “Despite all of the risks Israel has taken for peace, our government is pressuring Israel to take more risks. Hello Congress, we’re putting pressure on the wrong people here. You want to get tough, get tough with the terrorists, not the only democracy in the Middle East.”
Hagee and his organization have been a source of much debate in recent years. AIPAC and some other Jewish organizations have embraced their efforts to create an Evangelical Christian pro-Israel lobby. But some critics complain that CUFI supporters hold ultra-conservative views on abortion, gay rights and church-state separation, and fear the organization could end up working to oppose Israeli peace moves. (CUFI leaders insist they would never work against the decisions of the elected government.
ONE OF THESE THINGS IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER.... A new Research 2000 poll conducted for Daily Kos asked respondents a rather straightforward question: "Do you believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States of America or not?" Since the president was born in the U.S., ideally, the results would be around 100%.
They weren't. There was, not surprisingly, a significant partisan gap. Only 4% of Democrats are confused about the president's place of birth. The number is slightly higher among independents, 8% of whom got it wrong. Among Republicans, though, 28% -- more than one in four -- believe President Obama was not born in the United States.
For a crazy, demonstrably false, racist idea, these are discouraging numbers.
But I was especially surprised by the regional breakdowns. In the Northeast, West, and Midwest, the overwhelming majorities realize the president is a native-born American. But notice the South -- only 47% got it right and 30% are unsure.
Outside the South, this madness is gaining very little traction, and remains a fringe conspiracy theory. Within the South, it's practically mainstream.
Top US lawmakers to visit Israel, Palestinians
WASHINGTON — One of President Barack Obama’s top congressional critics said Friday he hoped to reassure staunch US ally Israel of unbending US support during a visit to the Middle East next week.
Representative Eric Cantor, the only Jewish Republican in national US politics, said he worried Obama has pressured Israel too much and demanded too little from the Palestinians in return and not done enough to confront Iran.
“We are very concerned about the direction we see this administration heading in as far as the US-Israel relationship,” Cantor, his party’s number two leader in the House of Representatives, told AFP by telephone.
Cantor will lead a delegation of 25 Republican lawmakers to Israel and Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas’ Ramallah headquarters for a week-long visit that opens Sunday.
“The purpose of the trip is to introduce to many members of Congress — 25 of us are going — to the challenges on the ground in the Middle East, especially those challenges faced by Israel,” said the Virginia lawmaker.
The delegation is expected to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel President Shimon Peres, and other senior Israeli officials, as well as top Palestinians in Ramallah.
House Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is expected to follow Cantor later in the month-long congressional August recess with a delegation of about 35 Democrats.
Cantor said the Obama administration was wrong to demand Israel stop all settlement activity in the occupied West Bank including annexed east Jerusalem, which has drawn condemnation
“We are very concerned about the attention being given, and focus being placed, on settlements and settlement growth when the real threat is the existential threat that Israel faces from Iran, and the impending nuclearization of Iran,” he said.
“We are also concerned about the emphasis on seeking concessions from Israel without a simultaneous effort to get concessions from the Palestinians,” said Cantor.
Israel has always been the main obstacle to a fair peace, and the reason for that is its desire to absorb the West Bank and Gaza without the people living there, as well as its desire to control events for a thousand miles around.
Israel’s idea of negotiations – under every government, left or right – has been that the other side should make every major concession before “talks” can even begin, a rather ridiculous position for any negotiation.
With the threats against Iran, Israel’s desire to control events everywhere for a thousand miles around has reached its most dangerous period.
An attack on Iran, a country which has attacked no one in its entire modern history, would be absolutely destabilizing to the world. In constantly threatening this, Israel is beginning to resemble a black hole absorbing everything around it.
It has attacked at one time or another every neighbor it has. It has violated international law and agreements again and again, including building its own threatening nuclear force and, in the past, assisting nuclear proliferation through its arrangements with apartheid South Africa.
It isn’t satisfied that Bush destroyed Iraq, in large part for Israel’s benefit, it wants a list of other places neutralized or destroyed. Sharon asked for attacks on Iran and Syria too.
A nuclear Iran would actually benefit peace in the region, just as MAD kept peace in Europe through decades of turmoil. Israel would lose its absolute threat over all its neighbors and might even become amenable to a realistic peace.
The Truth About The Rapture – Its Significance and Influence in World Control -
The rapture theory is not Biblical and was founded as an Anti-Reformation tool of the Catholic Church. The purpose of the rapture theory was threeflod. 1. To destroy the reformation; 2. control protestantism;, capture the Holy Land; 3. Foster the establishment of the New Word Order . The rapture theory. has more to do with the racist, arrogant and diabolical concept of British Israel than anything pertaining to the Kingdom of God. The rapture theory is from the pits of hell, created by Luciferians, and promoted by agents of the prince of darkness. The rapture doctrine is the blue-print for the establishment of the pseudo state of Israel.
Barbara Rossing said in her book The Rapture Racket,
” the Rapture is a fraud of monumental proportions, as well as a disturbing way to instill fear in people.
“Whether prescribing a violent script for Israel or survivalism in the United States, this theology distorts God’s vision for the world,” Rossing writes. “In place of healing, the Rapture proclaims escape. In place of Jesus’s blessing of peacemaking, the Rapture voyeuristically glorifies violence and war …. This theology is not biblical. We are not Raptured off the earth, nor is God.
Where did the rapture theory originate and why?
Reformers such as Luther, Calvin, Huss, Zwingli, Melanchthon, Bullinger and others had identified the Catholic Church as Mystery Babylon in Revelation and the Popes as the Anti-Christ. Millions of sincere Catholics were leaving the mother church and joining the reformation movement.. The church set out to neutralize and destroy the protestant movement.. What they could not do through brute force and the military inquisitions they did through political espionage, spiritual intrigue, and using mind control techniques by secret societies. Most of the books published on the rapture are brainwashing the readers mind. All of the books writen by Tim Lahaye’s, John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Jerry Jenkins , John Walvoord and movies such as the Omega Code and Megiddo are design for mind control. This anti-protestant doctrine is taught in many universities and seminaries such as Dallas Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southwestern Assemblies of God, Zion Bible College, Moody Bible Institute, Global University, Liberty and Regent University and well as a host of other leading colleges and universities The rapture cult has the largest following than any cult in the US or Europe.
Why were sincere Catholics, priests and monks leaving the Catholic Church.?
People were leaving because of corruptions in the church. If one look at the Babylonian sun worship, and the present Roman Catholic Mass there are many similarities. Baal worship seem to have taken over the Catholic Church. The icon of the virgin mother and child with halos (representing the sun), Mary as the queen of heaven, (Isis – queen of heaven) confessionals, wafer worship, transubstantiation, and priests as exclusive mediators of God were all derived from the Satanic Babylonian religion. Roman Catholicism became a mixture of witchcraft, Judaism, paganism, and perverted Christianity. When this corruptions was exposed by the reformers, Rome was outraged, and staged Holy Inquisitions, design to rid the world of heretics. The Inquisition included torturing and murdering people who didn’t not agree with the Catholic views. Ten of thousands of people were killed and some historians even put the numbers in the millions. Later, in response to the Vatican’s oppressive dogma, Martin Luther, a former Augustinian monk, nailed his 95 theses to the wall of a church in Germany, heralding Protestantism. . The Vatican was shaken as Protestantism spreads rapidly through Europe. In order to stamp out the spiritual rebellion, Pope Paul III ordered Ignatius de Loyola to found the Order of Jesuits, which would act as the intelligentsia and secret militia of the Vatican. Loyola had already founded the occult Illuminati, which he then placed under the umbrella of the Vatican ” Ignatius a Merovingian Jew from Loyola Spain was a member of the Alumbrados before he founded the Illuminati and the Jesuits. The Merovingian Jews claim to be decedents of Jesus and Mary of Magdalene. Thus you have books and movies like DaVinci Code, Prieure de Sion, Passover Plot, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, being produced and circulated by Hollywood Kabbalist movie studios and publishing houses controlled by the Illuminati. These books are blasphemous teachings design to nullify the true Gospel of Jesus. Many of the Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priest were Merovingian Jews whose agenda was to destroy true Christianity and pervert the true gospel.
t was when Pope Paul III convened the Council of Trent that the church formally addressed the protestant reformation with edicts, dogmas and doctrines. A disciple of Ignatius, Francisco Ribera came up with a theory that would take the attention off the Pope as being the Anti-Christ and put it on some future individual. This was the beginning of the Rapture doctrine. The Jesuits infiltrated the protestant movement, developed protestant theology, and purposely mis interpreted scriptures relating to Bible prophecy. They also controlled the educational system and bribe and blackmailed governments of Europe and America to promote their agenda. Two other groups that were instrumental the origin and development of the rapture theory were the Knights Templars (Masons) and the Knights of Malta (Knights of Columbus).
Barbara Aho said in her article (The Merovingian Dynasty) “it was also the The avowed objective of the Templars was to protect the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places: their secret objective was the re-building of the Temple of Solomon on the model prophesied by Ezekiel.
“This re-building, formally predicted by the Judaizing Mystics of the earlier ages, had become the secret dream of the Patriarchs of the Orient. The Temple of Solomon, re-built and consecrated to the Catholic worship would become, in effect, the Metropolis of the Universe.”
In my up coming blog I will go into more detail about how the Jesuits and the Illuminati set about to implement the Rapture theory to achieve their goal.. Protestant churches, Evangelical seminaries, and bible talking and Bibleprobe preachers like John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Jack Hayford, TD Jakes, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robinson, Creflo Dollar, Bishop Charles Blake, Billy Graham, and masons who promote the rapture have been seduced by Jesuits theology and manipulated by the kabbalist practitioners, thus they are part of the world-wide Anti-Christ conspiracy.
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The Illuminati and the House of Rothschild
Is Modern Israel in Bible Prophecy? – Israel Massacre Over 1500 Gazans
Israeli Soldiers Speak out of civilians abuse and using Gazans as human shields
Luciferian Rapture Doctrine Books and Conferences