Rekindling the Flame of Truth - Dedicated to the Legacy of Dr.Carter G. Woodson
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Rapture, The Dome, The Third Jerusalem Temple
End-time events are on people minds today… thousands of books have been written about the apocalypse and event that would bring on Armageddon. End-time books and movies is a billion dollar business. Atheists, agnostics, and pseudo-Christian writers are cashing in on this multi-billion dollar business. There is pre-tribulation, mid –tribulation, post-tribulation books, all referring to last day’s events and most alluding to the rebuilding of the Third Jerusalem Temple before the Rapture. John Hagee – Jerusalem Countdown, Peter & Paul Lalonde – Apocalypse, Tim Lahaye – Left Behind, Bible Prophecy Encyclopedia, and The Edge Of Darkness, Mark Hitchock – Iran The Coming Oil Crises, Rick Joyner – The Torch and the Sword, Grant Jeffrey – The Next World War, Chuck Missler – Prophecy 2020, Clarence Larkin – Dispensational Truth, and many others books and videos. There is very little Biblical truth in any of these books as they relate to the rebuilding of the Temple. These books are used for propaganda purposes, mind-control and diverting people attention from what is really going on in the world and what the Bible really says about end-time event..
The purpose of this article is not to debate on the various views that has been postulated by apocalyptic writers and pulpiteers but to present a clear and simple Biblical explanation to last day events.
One of the prophecies in the Bible that religious leader’s dispute, or wish it wasn’t there is found in Matt.23:38 .. Jesus said concerning Jerusalem’s Temple “ Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.” Many of the end-time books refers to a Third Temple. Are these writers and false prophets trying to make Christ a liar? Believers are sending millions of dollars to the Rebuild the Temple Foundation… They are only making the promoters of these project millionaires.. According to the words of Christ – the temple will be desolate. It will never be rebuilt. Plus on the very site that Solomon’s Temple use to be is the 2nd most holy shrine in the Moslem World – The Dome of the Rock.. In order to rebuild the Temple, the Dome of the Rock will have to be destroy.. But it is the goal of Masons around the world to rebuild the temple. Why do the religious leaders and masons want to nullify Christ’s words? Do they believe in the Bible? Do they believe in Christ? Are they part of the world-wide Anti-Christ conspiracy? Is the rebuilding of the Temple part of the NWO agenda? Not long ago a Masonic Lodge was established across from the Temple Mount. In December 1995, the “Jerusalem” freemasonic lodge was established, adjacent to the Temple Mount, in the Grotto of King Solomon, to work for the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple. The lodge worked side by side with the on-the-ground networks of Jewish and Christian fundamentalist fanatics, to foment a bloody religious war over the control of the Temple Mount. That such a lodge would be founded shortly after the Israel-Palestine peace breakthroughs at Oslo–and just weeks after the assassination of Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, an architect of that peace–is surely no coincidence.
The Jerusalem Lodge was founded by the Grand Master of Italian Regular Freemasonry, Giuliano di Bernardo, the right-hand man of Lord Northampton on the Temple Mount project. Lord Northampton is, by his own admission, a practitioner of the Satanic rituals of Aleister Crowley. Indeed, as he explained to an interviewer, Lord Northampton installed one of the world’s leading “scholars” of the Golden Dawn cult, R.A. Gilbert, as the editor-in-chief of Ars Quatuor Coronarum, the theoretical journal of the lodge. Crowley had written an account of his “spiritual progress” in magic and Satanism under the title The Temple of Solomon the King. At the ceremony launching the Jerusalem Lodge, Di Bernardo declared, “The rebuilding of the Temple is at the center of our studies.” In June 1996, Di Bernardo published an Italian edition of his book, Rebuilding the Temple, which was to be published in English by the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.
In interviews, Di Bernardo candidly admitted that he has constructed an entire irrationalist “utopian” belief system, centered on the revival of Jewish Cabbalism and the rebuilding of the Temple. “A new utopia may be based on the Cabbala. I see a utopia based on Jewish mysticism, but Jewish mysticism as a place . . . a material place, Solomon’s Temple. . . . This is my intention. This is my will!”
Contemporary Christian Zionists who have written on the rebuilding of a Jewish Temple include Thomas Ice and Randall Price, Grant Jeffrey, Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye and Dave Hunt. Their combined published book sales exceed 70 million in more than 50 languages. Their views are therefore influential and cannot be dismissed as marginal or esoteric. They are endorsed by some of the largest theological colleges and missionary institutions as well as a significant proportion of evangelical, Charismatic, Pentecostal and fundamentalist Christians world-wide. Other Christian Zionist leaders including James DeLoach, Terry Risenhoover and Doug Kreiger have also been influential in gathering significant American financial and political support for extreme Jewish organisations such as Gush Emunim and the Temple Mount Faithful. Christian and Jewish Zionists are united in the conviction that the Muslim Dome of the Rock must be destroyed, the third Jewish Temple built, priests consecrated and sacrifices reinstituted in fulfilment of biblical prophecy and to ensure the coming of Messiah. Chuck Missler, a U.S. Naval Academy graduate and CEO of a string of U.S. defense companies, who runs the Christian Zionist publishing firm, Koinonia House, which propagandizes for the destruction of the Islamic sites and the building of the Third Temple.. Missler, and the other central figures in the American Jerusalem Temple Foundation, is deeply anti-Semitic. At the core of the Gnostic “dispensational premillennarianism,” advocated by Nineteenth-Century Anglican clergyman John Nelson Darby, is the belief that the extermination of the Jews, in a final battle of Armageddon, brought on by the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple, is the Biblical precondition for the second coming of the Messiah and the Rapture.
There are no preconditions to the second coming of Christ . The greatest promise in the Bible is found in
John 14: 1 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions;[a] if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.[b] 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. The Second Coming of Christ will be the greatest event in the history of the world. Christ coming will be no secret rapture..
“1Thess. 4:16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.” Is this the secret rapture?
Revelation 1:7 Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.. Even the wicked living will see Christ when he comes.
Yes beloved the Secret Rapture theory is no more than a fairy tale created as an anti-reformation tool to destroy Protestantism and control Christian minds. Be not deceived . Jesus not only predicted the destruction of the Temple, but He also prophesie that it will be desolate, never be rebuilt. There are many members of the make Christ a liar club and make God’s word null and void.. Are you a member? If you are send your donations to the Rebuild the Temple Foundation. Some preacher want a bigger house, jet or his child need to go to college and your donations will help.
Jesus is the Temple…
Mark 14:58“We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this man-made temple and in three days will build another, not made by man.’ “
Jesus is the true Israel.
Gal.3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. vs.29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
2 Tim. 2:15 Study to show yourself approve unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
If God is leading in your life, send this article to your friends, family member and your co-workers... You will be bless.
Watch the Presidential debate on Youtube - Ron Paul, Hillery Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Mitt Romey, Mike Gravel, John Mccain, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Joe Biden, Sam Brownback, Tommy Thompson, and Barack Obama.