In the worst scandal to hit the Israel government since the last scandal, three of the country’s top military officials have been linked to Britain's biggest ever jewellery heist in which cash, gemstones and other assorted high-value crap worth up to £45 million were stolen.
According to a report in the Kike Watchers Gazette, three senior officials in the Israeli military were the main shareholders of the company responsible for guarding Mr. Oppenslimer’s De Queers Diamond Merchants & Jewellers in Blonde Street, central London, where the robbery took place.
The Universal Shysters Group (USG) were contracted to assume charge of the security of the premises after a group of Albanian pikeys -- dubbed the Pink Poofters gang -- carried out an armed raid on the same store in May 2005, taking off with a haul of several million quids-worth of gilded tat, chrome bling and teddy bear’s eyeballs.
Shylock Weaselberg, former Mossad chief and Maj. Gen. Sheldon Shitestein, chief of intelligence in the Israeli army, reportedly resigned from their directorships of the London-based USG group just two days before the latest heist.
The third principal shareholder of the security company is Israeli Prime Minister Binman Nuttyahoo's special adviser on dodgy deals - General Jaackov Scumbaum.
The August 6th raid, which had all the makings of a blockbuster movie, was carried out by two smartly dressed men, who spoke Hebrew to each other in an East Jerusalem accent, and were disguised with make-up professionally layered on latex masks to resemble Statler and Waldorf – the geriatric duo in the audience loge seats at the Muppet Show.
In just minutes, the Gang of Two drew handguns, grabbed a female member of staff by the short and curlies and headed for the exit with a haul of £45 million in cash, precious metals, gemstones, jewellery and scratch cards - all loaded into a Greedy Grocer supermarket trolley.
They fired warning shots at a potential have-a-go Big Issue salesperson, Jimbo McTwat, then jumped onto a passing bendy bus and abandoned their hostage, speeding off through Mayfair.
No one was injured in the incident but several staff and passers-by actually suffered involuntary bladder and bowel movements.
An international manhunt has been in progress following the derring-do raid with poor Mr. Oppenslimer’s insurers offering a one million-pound reward for information leading to the capture of the thieves and recovery of the high value haul.
In a remarkable coincidental aside that cropped up on the Interpol website while researching the De Queers robbery, Heinz Kuntlecken, a reporter for the leading German newspaper - Der Scheisseraker – stumbled onto a joint Red Cross and Amnesty International report that Israeli soldiers are guilty of kidnapping young Palestinians around the West Bank and Gaza to steal their organs and sell them in the black market : via an offshore company – recently identified as the Universal Shysters Group (USG) - owned by three high ranking Israeli military officials - specifically Messers Shylock Weaselberg, Maj. Gen. Sheldon Shitestein and General Jackov Scumbaum.
The report claims Israeli soldiers from the IDF’s Sabra Genocide Battalion, commanded by Maj. Gen. Sheldon Shitestein, abduct young Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip and return their bodies – usually deceased - to their families after removing their organs.
One of Hamas’ Gaza Gangster pathologists has recently been carrying our post mortems on the returned cadavers only to find every possible transplantable organ had been harvested – including testicles and prostate glands - after the victims were snuffed by asphyxiation.
Der Scheisseraker has now linked the Palestinian youth kidnappings and organ removals to a recently busted Jewish synagogue crime syndicate in New Jersey, which was involved in – believe it or not - organ smuggling.
Several American rabid Rabbis have so far been arrested in connection to the case and the files, accounts, records and office computers of the Jersey-based Universal Shysters Group SA that was responsible for smuggling the organs into the US were seized by the FBI.
Jersey Rabbi Seymour Weaselberg, the 63-year old younger brother of ex-Mossad chief Shylock, was arrested by FBI agents last week for allegedly serving as the USG’s broker in the sale of dodgy transplant organs – in a flagrant breach of the 1984 National Organ Transplant Act – which is punishable by up to five years in prison and a $50,000 fine – for landless peasant goyim types anyway.
According to the charges against him Weaselberg & Co. would smuggle the stolen organs into the US from Palestine where they could sell - say a kidney - for as much as $160,000 – less a small discount for Freemasons.
The FBI is now by-passing the pro-Zionist Israeli government (in Tel Aviv – not the White House) and obtaining DNA samples from the Palestinian youth corpses in Gaza to match against the organs seized from the cold storage room located in the basement of Rabbi Weaselberg’s USG offices in Jersey.
Certain honest FBI agents are optimistic and hopeful they will see the accused Rabbi’s – and their murderous Israeli body-snatching suppliers - brought before an international court of law to be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity - although the realists are not holding their breath while White House Chief of Staff Hymie Slimeberger still controls the Barky O’Barmy puppet’s strings.
Converse sectarian opinion might hypothesise that it’s not exactly kosher getting an Arab goyim testicle transplanted and knowing your next little Shylock has been fathered by semen from a pair of Palestinian Muslim bollocks – not to mention what good Jewish girls like little Miriam might have been swallowing - Ugh! – perish the thought.
Did you think the sun-tanned robber in the London jewellery heist looked more like O.J. Simpson than Statler? Have you had any organs stolen by the Israeli Military Mafia or Mossad while vacationing in Israel to see what is was like to be born in a manger - or get crucified on two big pieces of wood? How lively are the lap dancing bars around the Dead Sea? Does Holy Land tourism suck for you?
How would you rate your Gaza trip’s bed and breakfast arrangements? – Satisfactory? – Too much gunfire? - More white phosphorous burns than suntan? Did you get thrown out of your West Bank hotel to make way for another kibbutz?
Send us your comments using the online reply form below and you could win a discount kidney or whole liver transplant – guaranteed free of bullet holes, shrapnel wounds and depleted uranium contamination– to idf-organs@kike-scumbags.com Major Swedish daily prints accusation reminiscent of medieval blood libels. Accusation based on low rate of Israeli Jewish organ donations and the recent arrest of a haredi rabbi on organ trafficking charges.
Palestinians accuse the Israeli army to steal body parts from his victims.
Donald Boström tells of the international transplant scandal – and how he himself became a witness to the assault on a 19-year-old boy.
I am what you might call a “match maker,” said Levy Izhak Rosenbaum from Brooklyn, USA, in a secret recording with an FBI agent he thought was a customer. Ten days later, at the end of July this year Rosenbaum was arrested in connection with a large tangle of corruption uncovered in
New Jersey: rabbis, elected and trusted officials had for years engaged in money laundering and illegal organ, which was now rolling up like a Soprano network. Rosenbaums matchmaking was allltså not about romance but about buying and selling kidneys from Israel on the black market. According to its own statement, he buys bodies from the needy people in Israel for 10 $ 000 and sell them to desperate patients in the U.S. for 160 $ 000. The legal waiting time for kidneys is an average of nine years.
The accusations have shaken the American transplant industry. If this is true, it is the first time organ trafficking documented in the U.S., said experts in the magazine New Jersey Real-Time News.
Asked how many bodies he has sold Rosenbaum responds: Quite a lot. Many. And I have never failed, he brags on. His business has been going on for a very long time.
Francis Delmonici, Harvard Professor of Transplantation Surgery, and a board member of the National Kidney Foundation’s Board of Directors, said in the same newspaper that similar organ trafficking in Israel is also under way elsewhere in the world. Roughly, it is 10 percent of the 63 000 kidney transplant in the world made illegal, says Delmonici.
Hot countries for this illegal activity is Pakistan, the Philippines and China, where it is believed that organs taken from executed prisoners. But the strong suspicion is also among Palestinians that their young men were caught in, and as in China and Pakistan involuntary act had body spare before they were killed. A very serious suspicion that has enough questions to ICJ, International Court of Justice, should definitely open an investigation into whether it is about Israeli war crimes.
Israel recurrent ended up in blowing weather for their unethical way of dealing with organs and transplantation. Countries including France, cut off the body cooperation with Israel as early as the nineties, and the Jerusalem Post wrote “to other countries in Europe expected to follow France’s example soon.”
Half of the new kidneys that Israelis had implanted since the early 2000’s have been purchased illegally from Turkey, Eastern Europe or Latin America. Israeli health authorities have full knowledge of the business, but do nothing to stop it. 2003 revealed at a conference that Israel is the only Western country whose medical profession does not condemn the illegal organ trade or take any legal action against the doctors involved in the criminal process. On the contrary, the chief doctor at the major hospitals involved in most illegal transplantations, according to Dagens Nyheter (December 5, 2003).
In an attempt to overcome organ shortage in the country was Israel’s then health minister, Ehud Olmert, in a major campaign in summer 1992 to get the Israeli population to set up as organ donors. Half a million pamphlets were distributed in local newspapers where citizens were invited to write in to donate their organs after their death. Ehud Olmert was the first to write on.
Already a couple of weeks after the Jerusalem Post wrote that the campaign has given a successful outcome. No less is 35 000 people had written on, usually it is 500 a month. In the same article the journalist wrote Judy Siegel that the gap between supply and demand was still high. Sex for kidney transplants was 500 people, but only 124 people could undergo surgery. Of the 45 persons in need of a new liver had only three people the opportunity to undergo surgery in Israel.
While this body campaign lasted disappeared young Palestinian men who came back at night to their villages five days later, dead and uppsprättade.
Talk about the uppsprättade cells terrified population in the West Bank and Gaza. There was talk of a dramatic increase in young men who disappeared with subsequent nocturnal funerals of autopsy young men.
I was in the area and worked on a book when I several times was contacted by UN staff who were concerned about the development. Those who contacted me felt that body theft actually took place, but that they were unable to act. On behalf of a television company, I then went around and spoke to a large number of Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza, which meant that their sons become bestulna the bodies before they were killed. One of the examples I saw of this eerie trip was the young stone’s Bilal Achmed GHANAIAN.
The clock was approaching midnight when the engine sounds from the Israeli miltärkolonnen was heard on the outskirts of the village Imatin in the northern West Bank. The village’s two thousand inhabitants remained a man wake up and stood as silent shadows in the dark. Some were on rooftops, others were behind their curtains, houses or trees, which gave protection in the dark during utegångsförbudet but still offered a clear view of what would become a graveyard for the village’s first martyr. The military had broken all the electricity around the village and the area was off military area – not a cat could move outdoors without risking lives. Mörkrets deafening silence was broken only by quiet sob and I can not remember if it was the cold or excitement we Hutt total. Five days earlier, May 13, 1992, was an Israeli special force put themselves in ambush in the village craftsmen. The person that special forces had been instructed to destroy the 19-year-old Bilal Achmed GHANAIAN, one of the active Palestinian stone-throwing young people who made life difficult for the Israeli occupying power.
GHANAIAN Bilal was one of the leading stone are called for since a couple of years. This meant that he along with other wanted stone throw guys lived under the sky up in Nablusbergen. To be captured meant death, and all the previous stories about the torture did not improve matters. Thus did they in the mountains. But for some reason took Bilal down from the mountains one day and wandered unchecked through the village past the carpenter house this unfortunate day in mid-May. Why he came down just this day could not even Talal, his older brother to answer, perhaps it was the food end and stores needed refilled.
Everything went according to plan for the Israeli special forces. The cigarette butt, who relinquished the Coca-Cola cans and sieved calmly through the broken window. When Bilal was sufficiently close, only to pull the trigger. The first shot hit in the chest. According to villagers who witnessed the incident, he was then with a shot in each leg. Then ran two soldiers from snickeriet and shot him once again in the stomach. Finally, they took Bilal in the feet and dragged him up the 20 steps snickeriets stone staircase. Villagers tell then that people from both the UN and Red Crescent who were nearby and heard the shots unloading had gone to the spot to take care of the injured. The argument about who would take care of the victim ended up on the Israeli force loaded in the severely injured Bilal in a jeep and drove off to the village’s outskirts. It foresaw a militärhelikopter proposed off Bilal towards his relatives unknown destination.
Five days later he came back in the dark, dead and wrapped in green hospital fabrics. When military column as downloaded from Bilal Abu Kabir autopsy center outside Tel Aviv stop at the place of final rest Bilal knew someone again the Israeli military leader of Group Captain Yahya. “The most difficult of them all” the person whispered in the darkness in my ear. When Captain Yahya men loaded the body and changed the green fabric with a light cotton fabric, was chosen a few male relatives to perform the job – to dig soil and mix cement.
Together with the sharp sounds of shovels were heard occasional laughter from the soldiers that until they have to go home came a few jokes to each other. When Bilal spent in the tomb uncovered in his chest and suddenly it became clear to the few currently the abuse he suffered. Bilal was far from the first buried uppskuren from the abdomen up to the chin and speculation about the intention had been taken off.
The affected Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza was sure what happened to their sons. Our sons are used as forced organ donors, said relatives of Khaled from Nablus to me, as the mother of Raed from Jenin and uncles to Machmod and Nafes from Gaza, all of which were missing a number of days and come back at night, kill and dissect.
- Why did they keep the bodies of up to five days before we can bury them? What happened to the bodies in the meantime? And why is the autopsy when the cause of death is obvious, and in all cases against our will? And why will the bodies back at night? And why the military card? And why are closed areas of the funeral? And why break the electricity? The questions were many and outraged by Nafes uncle.
The families of the killed Palestinian men had no longer any question about it.
The spokesman for the Israeli army said contrary to allegations of organ theft were fabrications by the Palestinians. All Palestinians who were killed are routinely subject to autopsy, he said.
Bilal Achmed Ghanem was one of 133 Palestinians killed in various ways that year. According to Palestinian statistics were dödorsakerna following: shot in the street, explosions, beatings, tear gas, deliberately hit, hung in the jail, shot in the school, killed at home, etc.. Of the 133 killed persons aged four months to 88 years was the 69 pieces of autopsy, ie only half of the dead. The routine autopsy of killed Palestinians, the army spokesman told is not true in reality in the Occupied Territories. Questions remain.
We know that the need for organs in Israel is large, that an extensive illegal organ is ongoing, that there has been a long time, that it is done with the blessing of the authorities, the senior doctor at the major hospitals involved, as well as officials at various levels. And we know that the Palestinian young men disappeared, they were back five days later in secrecy at night, uppsprättade and sewn.
Time to shed light on this macabre activity on what is going on and what has passed in the Israeli occupied territories since the intifada started.
While the Israeli organ harvesting from arrested Palestinians is clearly more in a long line of Arab antisemitic propaganda, the basis for the Swedish accusation is Israel’s notoriously low rate of Jewish organ donation.
Suffice it to say this is a problem that is significantly worsened by haredi leaders.

The Israel Organ Donation Problem.
Confessions Of A Former Jew
Blackwater employee and an ex-US Marine who has worked as a security operative for the company have made a series of explosive allegations in sworn statements filed on August 3 in federal court in Virginia. The two men claim that the company’s owner, Erik Prince, may have murdered or facilitated the murder of individuals who were cooperating with federal authorities investigating the company. The former employee also alleges that Prince “views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe,” and that Prince’s companies “encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life.
Erik Prince is the founder of Blackwater mercenaries. Erik Prince is the son of a billionaire Michigan industrialist named Edgar Prince. His father was a generous contributor to right-wing evangelical “Protestant” causes and Erik became a major contributor to Catholic organizations….He founded Blackwater in 1998. Tim LaHaye and the Council for National Policy. In 1981, Tim LaHaye was the founder of a highly secretive conservative think tank called the Council for National Policy dedicated to turning the nation to the right. One of the founding members was named Edgar Prince, father of Erik Prince, the secretive founder of the Blackwater mercenaries: The 5th branch of the CONfederate military is called BLACKWATER after the area in Camden County, North Carolina, where the mercenaries train. Of course they don’t call themselves mercenaries but private contractors. Their founder, Erik Prince, is described by the media as a RIGHT WING EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN!!
A decade ago, the company barely existed; and yet, its “diplomatic security” contracts since mid-2004, with the State Department alone, total more than $750 million. Today, Blackwater has become nothing short of the Bush administration’s well-paid Praetorian Guard. It protects the U.S.ambassador and other senior officials in Iraq as well as visiting congressional delegations; it trains Afghan security forces and was deployed in the oil-rich Caspian Sea region, setting up a “command and control” center just miles from the Iranian border. The company was also hired to protect FEMA operations and facilities in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, where it raked in $240,000 a day from the American taxpayer, billing $950 a day per Blackwater contractor.
“But Erik Prince’s philanthropy has certainly not been limited to Catholic causes. The Prince family was deeply involved in the secretive Council for National Policy, described by the New York Times as “a little-known club of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country [which has] met behind closed doors at undisclosed locations for a confidential conference” three times a year “to strategize about how to turn the country to the right.” The Council was started in 1981 by the Rev. Tim LaHaye, one of the founders of the modern right-wing Christian movement in the United States and author of the apocalyptic Left Behind novels.”‘ The idea was to build a Christian conservative alternative to the Rockefeller Council on Foreign Relations, which LaHaye considered too liberal. CNP membership is kept secret, and members are instructed that ‘The media should not know when or where we meet or who takes part in our programs, before or after a meeting.’
Hal Lindsey is known as the father of modern “Bible” prophecy. His famous Late Great Planet Earth sold over 35 million copies and spawned the billion dollar end-times industry, whose books and videos repeat his dispensational theme, and are patterned after his novel writing style. Lindsey actually is a Jesuit in disguise as 2 of his daughters attendedJesuit Gonzaga University.
That Left Behind series was nothing more than Illuminati propaganda for the Christian community. It has no basis fact on how Biblical prophecy will truly unfold.

Jesuits Priest Thomas Ice is the Supreme Head of the False Prophet Society. He is the leading authority of the Luciferian Rapture Doctrine. He is leading millions of sincere christians down the road of perdition.

Israeli Soldiers Testify: We Used Gazans as Human Shields!

Millions expect Israel to play a major role in God’s future plan for earth. Could they all be wrong? Is there a conspiracy to deceive God’s people? What is the Biblical evidence concerning modern day Israel?
Many people today consider the restoration of the Jewish nation in Palestine to be a direct and dramatic fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth, a phenomenal best seller of the last few decades, and Jerry Jenkins and Tim Lahaye’s Lift Behind, along with Bishop T.D. Jakes declares that the end of the world will come within the lifetime of the generation that saw the founding of the Israeli state in 1948, hereby applying the words of Jesus: “This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” (Matthew 24:34)
Coupled with this fascination with Israel is a novel teaching regarding the return of Jesus, called the “secret rapture.” These books and many other speaks for many today who expect God secretly to take the “church” to heaven prior to the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple on its old site where the sacred Muslim shrine, the Dome of the Rock, now stands. According to this position, after the “church” is “raptured” to heaven, there will be seven years of the worst period of famine, bloodshed, and pestilence ever experienced by man. During this great tribulation the focus will be on God’s dealings with the Jews, who are again given the responsibility for the evangelization of the world.
According to secret-rapture preachers, the battle of Armageddon will climax the end of the seven-year tribulation as the nations of the earth take sides over the future of Israel. When mankind teeters on the brink of incinerating the world, Jesus will return gloriously and save man from self-extinction. At that time Jesus will set up a literal one-thousand-year reign on earth with Jerusalem functioning as the spiritual capital of the world.
Most evangelical periodicals and pulpits teach this view today, and to those who do not know better, it might appear that this prophetic scenario, known as pretribulationism, has been the traditional teaching of the Christian church since New Testament days. Nothing is further from the truth. Be not deceived.. Did the architects of the creation of modern day Israel have any thing to do with the development of the rapture theory? Where did the Rapture theology originate? Is the crisis in the Middle East and the war in the Iraq have anything to do with the erroneous rapture theory?
Is there a master conspiracy at work
According to dispensationalists John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Ken Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, John Walvoord, Grant Jefferies, Tim Lahaye, Benny Hinn, Clarence Larkin, H. Caldwell, TD Jakes and others who teach and preach about the Rapture, Israel has two dispensations, or time periods, in which they functions as God’s special instrument of salvation. Between these two periods of time comes the dispensation of the “church”. The church received a heavenly reward at the time of the rapture, while Israel received an earthly reward at the end of the tribulation.
There is no support in the New Testament for such an erroneous view.
The chief reason why the modern state of Israel has no prophetic significance is that after the Jews as a body rejected Jesus as the Messiah, God gave to the Christian church the special privileges, responsibilities, and prerogatives once assigned to the ancient Jews. No longer were the Jews to be His special people with a prophetic destiny.
Rom.2:28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; vs.29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.
All the promises of a glorious kingdom on earth once given through the Jewish prophets to the Jewish people became void because the Jewish people as a nation did not fulfill the conditions of these prophecies. Failing to receive the glory that could have been Israel’s is probably the saddest story in literature. Placed at the crossroads of the ancient world, God furnished them with every facility for becoming the greatest nation on the earth. God wanted to reward Israel with every physical and spiritual blessing as they put into practice the clear-cut principles that He had graciously taught them through His prophets (Deuteronomy 7, 8, 28).
The Old Testament records the sad story of how the vineyard of Israel produced, not the mature fruit of a Christ-like character, but “wild grapes,” a misinterpretation and perversion of what the God of Israel was really like. “What more was there to do for my vineyard, that I have not done in it? When I looked for it to yield grapes, why did it yield wild grapes?” (Isaiah 5:4 RSV).
Even when the Jewish nation was suffering the bitter consequences of disobedience during the Babylonian captivity, God mercifully promised that a restored Israel was possible and that there was yet time to recover its special role as His representative on earth – if it would honor His law and submit to His principles. Even then the Jews could have become, if faithful, the head and not the tail, in matters physical and spiritual; all nations would have looked upon Jerusalem as not only the center of wisdom but also the spiritual capital of the world (see Isaiah 45:14; 60:1 – 11).
When the Jews returned to Palestine after the Babylonian captivity, the promises given to Abraham and expanded through the writings of Moses and other prophets would have been fulfilled; the whole earth would have been alerted for the first advent of Christ, even as the way is being prepared for His second coming today.
Missed Their Last Opportunity.
These Old Testament prophecies that picture Israel dwelling in peace and prosperity, with all nations beating a path to her doors, could have been fulfilled 2000 years ago if they had indeed prepared the world for the first coming of Jesus (see Zechariah 8:14). But instead of fulfilling their greatest assignment they missed their last opportunity, and Jesus their Lord finally had to pronounce with irrevocable judgement: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not Behold your house is forsaken and desolate” (Matthew 23:37, 38 RSV).
Those who regard the establishment of the modern state of Israel as a fulfillment of those Old Testament prophecies overlook the fact that these promises were made either prior to their release from Babylonian captivity or during the rebuilding days soon after their return. God would have fulfilled these promises if Israel had been faithful and obedient to the conditions on which the promises were made.
Although God promised a “second chance” to Israel after their failure leading up to the Babylonian captivity, He promised no “third chance” to them after their final rejection when their Lord Himself “came to his own home, and his own people received him not” (John 1:11 RSV)
But God did not give up, even though Israel as a nation had failed Him. Although corporate Israel no longer was to function as God’s special agent, the individual Jews who received and obeyed Jesus Christ would constitute the new organization through which He would now work.
Paul describes this remarkable transition in Romans 9 to 11, where he appeals to individual Jews (such as himself) to respond to God through Jesus, join those Gentiles who have found in Him the solution to their anxious, sinful condition, and together arouse the world to the simple fact that God wants to make an end to sin and its misery by setting up His eternal kingdom composed of those who have found in Jesus the promised Saviour.
Those who preach and teach this erroneous Rapture doctrine are purposely misleading multitudes. This doctrine was created by the Jesuits as an anti-reformation and anti-protestant tool to divert attention away from the Catholic and the Pope whom the reformers had identify as the anti-Christ in Revelation. Those who teach and preach the rapture theory are proxies and agents for the Kabbalists and those who want to establish a New World Order (NWO). The Rapture theory has more to do with politics than theology, more to do with mans involvement in world affairs than Gods involvement, more about Zionism than the people of Zion. I will discuss this later.
British Israel, The Hidden Hand Behind The ‘Kingdom of God on …
The New World Order – Religious and Political Conspiracy …. Jack Hayford, John Hagee, Joe van Koevering, Jan Hanson, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Tim Lahaye, TBN, CBN, Happy Caldwell, Jack Van Impe, Jan Markell, Bennie Hinn, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, COGIC, AOG, Full Gospel, Foursquare, Southern Baptist, Evangelical, Christian Zionism, new roberts van pat Creflo world thomas Pastor Israel ..